October 25, 2018The art of prototyping September 24, 2018How to manage your time? September 18, 2018Where to start up in Doha? July 11, 2018The age of control freaks July 5, 2018Designer’s responsibility June 7, 2018Dream maps May 31, 2018Website usability checklist May 25, 2018Fabulous Fab Labs May 14, 2018Ramadan in Qatar -Traditions and Etiquette May 8, 2018Are you the next TEDx speaker? May 1, 2018Good graphic design – what is it about? April 25, 2018My top 10 icebreakers for conferences and workshops April 18, 20189 misconceptions about Qatar April 11, 2018Simple rules for saving lives, innovation and productivity April 4, 2018Why I’m part of TEDx and you should be too March 21, 2018The Power of Visuals March 14, 20184 beautiful contradictions of the Middle East blog4 beautiful contradictions of the Middle East